Monday 24 October 2011

Weekend in Manchester!

Oh I've had such a lovely weekend! Me and the boyfriend went to meet up with some friends in Manchester, and I've now decided I want to live there!

Whenever I've thought of Manchester before, I've thought of the Gallaghers, Ian Brown, and other Northern 'monkey boys' in parkas, and thats about it. But I wanted to see more of England and I knew seeing our friends would be nice so we booked our tickets last week!

We got up at the crack of Dawn on Saturday, threw on our clothes and rushed to the Station, which it turns out was shut due to work being done on the tracks, so a frenzied rush to the Station ensued. We actually missed our train, but managed to hop on the next one. It was a Virgin train and was really lovely and comfy! I like train journeys, and this was lovely, watching the sun coming up over the Countryside.

We arrived in Manchester, and in the first few minutes of having left the station, we found a weird little collectible/book shop. I got a stack of serial killer books and the boyf got a load of graphic novels for mega cheap!

We had a good wander, found lots of little nerd shops for the boyf, and I got some jewellery in a little ethical trinket shop. Then we stumbled upon Afflecks Palace, which I've heard a lot about from friends. It's really awesome, it's about 3 stories of little stalls of all different things, some vintage, some handmade clothes, jewellery, fancy dress.. I bought a cute vest with a cat face on and the boyf got a tshirt from a stall called Me And Yu, which I love, and plan to buy lots more of from their website!

We then ended up in a cafe called Koffee Pot, on a friends reccomendation. It's a cute little place, with lovely big graffiti murals on the walls, a good radio station playing, and lots of trendy types inside. We had a good sized fry-up and cuppa each, which was so much cheaper than London, I was tempted to order and consume another! I tried black pudding (blood sausage) for the first time too! I remember my Dad eating it years ago and being grossed out because it was made of blood. But apparently it's a big thing up North, so I gave it a shot and it was lovely! Very savoury and kinda herby, delicious!

I'd always heard of the piercing shop Holier Than Thou, as being very reputable, and a good place to get hard mods like tongue splitting, so once I was full of food, we walked up the road and tracked it down. I fancied getting something pierced as a souvenir, and as it was so super cheap! I got my other nostril pierced as I'm on a pretty big symmetry kick at the moment! The piercer was very good, and it looks nice, if very swollen!

After than, we headed to a friends house who lives in Heaton Chapel nearby. I was surprised by how lovely and rural the area was, and the house itself was beautiful, with a big basement and a lovely fireplace. It's fairly cheap in that area too, so it's really somewhere I'd consider living if I tire of London.

We met up with some mates and had a nice little pub crawl around the town, had a good laugh, bonded with the only other lady in the gang, and reduced grown men to squealing babies with my tongue split video! Unfortunatly I can't give you the names of the pubs we went to as they all kinda blurred into one after a while!

We ended up back at our friends house, crashed out on a cozy airbed in the basement!

In the morning we were served another heavenly fry-up (those Northerners cook a banging breakfast!) and slumped on the sofa watching our friends watch the football. Neither me or the boyf are from football watching families so we've never really seen someone get rabidly excited about the footie, and it was rather amusing for us!

We travelled home first class, which was nice, and arrived home to find my Rock and Roll Bride magazine on the doorstep, so I was happy about that! Although I'm not planning to get married for a while, I love Kat Williams and her alt. wedding porn, and I was happy to support her by buying a magazine! I implore anyone who is planning to marry at some point, or who just fancies going soppy over wedding pics, to check her blog out!

Anyway, thats my weekend! I'll try and post pics of my purchases once I'm home! Now back to work/looking at house prices oop North!


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