Thursday 22 December 2011

This will probably be my last post before Christmas... Seems to have come around so fast! I went through my 2011 diary yesterday to transfer all the birthdays into my new one, and things that happened in February seem like yesterday! It's really scary! Maybe it's an age thing...

I really begruge throwing away my old Moleskine diary because it's so well made, it seems such a waste... I bought a nice brown leather Filofax this year, as it seems far more economical to just be able to recycle the old pages and buy new ones, as opposed to binning the whole lot... Shame I feel like a right 80s prat with it but it's only small!

I dropped off my presents for the rescue shelter dogs so thats made me feel good for Christmas. The drop-off sack was bulging with dog toys and treats so hopefully some critters will have a nice Christmas. Plus it's both my rescue kitties first Christmas with us, so I'm gonna buy them some posh cat food each (to keep them out of our dinner!).

Quite looking forward to the New Year now. Gonna get a proper gym routine together, try and drag the boyf along to a spinning class once a week, cook more healthy food and do more for the local animal charities...I'm actually pretty good at sticking to resolutions so here's hoping!

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