Thursday 8 December 2011

New kitty time!

Had my home check from the cat rescue lady last night... All went very well! She was quite impressed by how happy and friendly our two are! Looks like we're getting a 9 month old boy called Denton, and, I'm gonna be fostering a 6 month old semi-feral boy called Charlie too... He's very shy and needs to be a bit more confident with people before he can go off to a home... I'm sure I'll end up keeping him, but we'll see....

Since then I've seen a dead cat in a box outside a house, with the bins, and read two really sad stories about animal cruelty, so it seems like fate to give the Denton and Charlie a home and protect them from any harm...

The charity I'm getting them from is called Goldie's Oldies, I found them on Cat Chat as mentioned in my previous post. The work they do is very honourable, taking in older cats who may struggle finding a home. They also seem to have special needs cats and shy cats needing homes... I'm going to offer to help them out by raising some awareness, maybe get them a website going...

In non-cat-lady matters, I have an event to attend in February at BAFTA, and I need a nice outfit! I'm gonna try and get my sticky paws on some Jeffrey Campbell Lita shoes, and maybe wear a sexy, fitted suit... Although the boyf seems to have his heart set on buying me a new All Saints dress in the Xmas sales, so we'll see I suppose... Either way, nice to have something to dress up for!

The boyf is nagging me to make an Xmas list at the moment, when really, I desperatly need to de-clutter my flat! Tthe bulk of the crap I own is toiletries and books, so I'm gonna take some old books to the charity shop, and try and use up any old shampoos before I buy any more!
My Xmas list is pretty short so far... Some Neals Yard Wild Rose SPF 30 moisturiser and an Urban Aviary necklace. They do lovely necklaces with uncut precious stones threaded on simple chains. I love gem colours but often find the jewellery a little 'ladylike' for my taste, so this makes a nice change... Also I think natural crystal patterns are much prettier than anything cut by man, especially pyrite, I love the shape!

After watching the heartbreaking video of some ex-laborotory dogs being released, I decided to try and make my home totally cruelty free, as well as green, so I'm having a bit of a trial and error run with different products.. Here are a few bits I've tried and whether I reccomend them!

Ecover Chamomile Washing Up Liquid:  I actually really like this! It has a very mild smell, and is very gentle on your hands unlike other brands. It cuts through grease well, and you only need a small amount so very economical. Can also be re-filled for a lower price in some health food shops, and can be bought in bulk sizes.

Ecover Dishwasher Tablets: I do feel guilty about it but I generally use my dishwasher for everything except cutlery and cookware... These tablets, are sadly, really crap. The plates don't get clean, and everything comes out covered in half-disssolved tablet. Gonna try Faith In Nature's dishwasher liquid once I use up these tabs.

Ecover Non-Bio Laundry Liquid: This is nice, my clothes all come out clean, and it hasn't irritated the boyfriend's sensitive skin. It doesn't cover the vile smell of our ancient washing machine but I didnt expect it to really! This is also refillable and available to buy in giant 15l bottles. I am going to try Soapnuts as well, but I would be happy to carry on using this if they're no good.

Ecover Under The Sun Fabric Softner:  My boyfriend had had a pretty bad reaction to some Comfort fabric softener I'd bought, so this seemed like a good alternative! My clothes as just as soft as with any conventional product, and the smell is really nice, almost overpowers the stench of very old washing machine! Makes my hands feel soft when I unload the washing, and is gentle enough for the boyfriend's skin!

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