Wednesday 16 November 2011

Got my new Zatchels bag! It's so pretty, really eye-catching and sturdily made! It's a vivid metallic blue with white stars printed on, and it's an ideal size too. I can fit my big purse (it's just bulky, not stuffed with £50 notes or anything!), my smallish make-up bag, keys, Moleskine diary and Ipod in there fine... Only problem is my headphones, but I can always use them to keep my neck warm! Can't wait to flaunt it about a bit, and I'm gonna have ample opportunity this month! I've got so much in my diary..

Got a gig on Monday at a gallery my friend runs, which promises to be good... I reccomend you check out their website, some interesting things coming up...

Then on the Wednesday we are off to see an artist called Amon Tobin, who is touring an amazing audiovisual show, with him DJing inside a huge structure of cubes with images projected on it. I've seen it once before but it's very full-on and overwhelming so it's worth another go, just to fully appreciate it. It ought to be a good night out, and Amon Tobin is an amazing artist, I love the way he fuses art and music.

Then we get a rest on the Thursday, to recover from the trauma of getting the night bus home (always seems to be full of drunk Australians and people who have no obvious reason for being out so late). On the Friday we're at a free gig at Topman Oxford St, as a charity called CALM is launching a London helpline. CALM are aiming to help young men with depression, so it's a very good cause and a friend of ours is a big supporter. Ought be be a great gig too, amazing line up with Rob Da Bank, Zane Lowe and Eddy Temple Morris...

So I'll be painfully exhausted by the end of the week, but on the bright side, I won't have the ususal backache due to my sensible satchel! Plus, the buckles take a bit of manipulation so I won't be getting my purse lifted either! Score!

Starting to think about Christmas shopping now too. As my close family is all over 21 years old, no-one ever wants or needs anything they can't buy for themselves. I usually just get people Lush gift boxes. They're quite pretty and smell nice, and it's a little luxury that people may not buy for themselves. The boyfriend is a challenge too, as he's always with me! Luckily I can always sneak to Westfield on my way home from work and grab him a few little bits...

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