Monday 21 November 2011


Ah hello Monday, my old adversary...

I really wish I was still in bed. Think I may be coming down with some form of germy thing. Have felt too run down to get to the gym, and spent all Saturday nodding off... Sunday I was rudely awoken by our neighbours shouting at each other at about 5am... I swear we live in a building full of maniacs, shouting and banging and making weird noises all night!

Been thinking about animals this weekend actually... We have an elderly family member making plans to leave us a house when they pass away, so thats been on my mind. Once I have the space I'd like to help some disadvantaged animals have a better life... I'd love to adopt a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.. The boyf grew up with a Staff and they are such sweet and dopey dogs who get such a bad rap due to idiotic owners. I do forsee myself working full time for the rest of my natural years, but maybe if the Mother-In-Law was happy to dog sit...

Also, I think we could manage another two cats maybe. I'd love to be able to take older cats, or cats who need extra care as I think I have the patience needed, but I don't think it would be fair with my other two cats. During the Summertime, our local cat shelter becomes overwhelmed with kittens so maybe I could take in another two...

Finally, the thing I think I'd get most satisfaction from, battery chickens. You can get great garden sized chicken coops these days, and I'd love to take in some ex-battery hens, and give them an enjoyable life. I just hate to think of the awful conditions the poor little creatures live in, and  I'd feel much better if I knew I'd done something to make even just a few chicken's lives better.

I know I'm gonna end up as one of those mad old ladies with loads of animals but I just hate that humans abuse these poor animals who can't speak out for themselves and have no control of their own destinies. With my two kitties, I read every cat magazine going to make sure I'm doing the absolute best for them and I'd do the same for any other animal I owned... It's what they deserve.

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