Saturday 28 January 2012

My beautiful scar :)

<p>Last night I got my first scarification! <br>
Initially I just wanted the microdermal on the nape of my neck cut out and the scar cut into something pretty, but I gave free reign to Iestyn, the artist, cos I love his work. <br>
He freehanded the design in pen, and when I agreed I loved it, he lightly cut it into my skin. This hurt a little but I quite enjoyed having my back scratched so the big swooping lines felt quite nice! <br>
Then he rubbed on some anesthetic gel and left it 10 mins to work. I didn't have much faith in it but I guess maybe it had absorbed into the cuts and it worked a treat! <br>
That's when he went over the shallow lines to cut them to the required depth, did the little dermal punched circles and the almond shaped bit of flesh removal. The anesthetic meant I only felt pressure and the occasional sharp bit. It was entirely bearable! <br>
This was started when the shop shut at 7pm, there were two others there for all night tattoo sessions as well, and the atmosphere was lovely! Good music playing, all lit with pretty coloured lights! I almost nodded off at one point! <br>
The only bit that hurt was cutting out the microdermal.. Maybe the anesthetic couldn't get under it or something but it bloody stung and tested my pain threshold to the max! <br>
We left about 11pm and headed off to get the train home. We hopped on our train, and after waiting a few mins for it to start up, an announcement came that someone had been hit by a train and that we'd be delayed indefinitely. <br>
Now, I'm sure the situation was tragic, and I feel for the person's family, but I was tired, wrapped in clingfilm and desperate to get home! <br>
We ended up befriending 3 girls and a guy in the carriage and whiling away the time chatting and laughing! Fellow passengers got out a harmonica and bagpipes to keep people entertained and there was a good old British punchup which we all clamoured to watch!
We eventually got moving and got home, and spent the journey chatting to our new friends! I really had such a nice night, it renewed my faith in people a bit!
Back feels fine today anyway, at the worst, a bit like sunburn but totally bearable! Can't wait to get this bitch healed for summer!

Monday 16 January 2012

Oooh it's been a while since I posted anything... Been busy at work and at home!

It's been a weird few weeks actually... For one, myself and the boyfriend reconnected with his little Brother, which was pretty nice. Things all went a bit tits-up as someone in the family had been trying to drive them apart, but that person is now out of everyones lives so we've got to the bottom of all the lies and everyone is friends again now!

Also, in March I'm looking to start an Open Uni degree in Psychology, and start on the ladder to possibly working as a forensic psychologist one day. The reasoning behind this is that, at 21 I'm quite happy with an admin job, but I really don't wanna be stuck in it forever. I work with ladies in their 50s and 60s who are stuck in this office, and I don't wanna spend my whole life watching kids like me come in and overtake me! Even my Boyfriend's Mum, who is a fairly intelligent woman, is stacking shelves in shops... I know some people are happy doing it, but I want something to be proud of in my life.
My Mum has a good job, and is an assistant manager or something similar, having only worked for the company about 6 years, so I'd like to follow her lead and make my future children proud, give them something to aim for...

I honestly do think seeing a parent go to work every day is what gives a kid drive to find a job of their own when the time comes... I always saw both my parents get up and head to work every morning, so I honestly didn't think there was an alternative, and I started working as soon as I left school. My family always had enough money to have nice holidays, and nice things. Nothing extravagent, but we never bought value brands or lower quality stuff. This is what I wanna provide my kids with..

Monday 9 January 2012

China Glaze nail Strenthener and Hardener

So I just bought this and am giving it a whirl. I don't like having massive great talons but I like to have a little bit of nail to make my fingers less stumpy! I have just bought a polish called Blow by Illamasqua which looked awful on my stubby nails!
Normally my nails grow pretty fast and I keep them filed shortish, but recently they've been breaking and I've ended up nibbling the jagged bits.
Anyway, with the hardener, apparently you apply 2 coats every other day for a month, so maybe I'll be able to keep that up and paint my nails for when I'm showing off my scarification!

Wednesday 4 January 2012


I am surprised, with the vast amounts of dodgy tattooists in the world, that you don't hear of this happening more, but it's still very sad when it does happen. All the guy wanted was a souvenir of his holiday but due to being uninformed, or maybe just wreckless, he's come away with a life-changing illness.

All we can hope is that this case gets some media attention and people realise it can happen in real life, and it's not worth the risk. Despite the fact it's theoretically possible to contract HIV or Hepititis from piercing guns, I've never seen ny report of it actually having happened, hence I don't think the risk is taken seriously..